Saturday, October 10, 2015


What more could you want in a dance than newspapers, screaming and panties!


Edisa Weeks / Delirious Dances was invited by Blondell Cummings to perform Manufacturing Consent at the 92nd St. Y Fridays at noon as part of Points of Reference. Manufacturing Consent is inspired by the writings of linguist and political commentator Noam Chomsky, the dance Three Seascapes by Yvonne Rainer and the 'King of Musac' - Mantovani and his orchestra of cascading strings. It is a physical exploration of propaganda, pleasure and the creation of illusions. 

Points of Reference is a performance and roundtable discussion that explores the silent dialogue between the choreographer and their audience. Following the performance a panel of experts from the fields of history, journalism, philosophy and law spoke about the work from their perspectives. 

STREAMED LIVE ON March 27th, 2015

Dancers: Angel Chinn, Orlando Hunter, Devin Oshiro, Maxx Passion, Ricarrdo Valentine

Panelists: Tracy Austin, Dr. Victoria Phillips, 
Vanessa McKnight, Eyal Press

92nd St. Y
Buttenweiser Hall – 2nd Fl.
Lexington at 92nd St., New York, New York 

photos: Julie Lemberger

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